Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Decorating Trees

Newsela Nonfiction Text Articles

Students are learning about nonfiction.  The students read an article about orcas. Each student read about the same topic, but at their own lexile reading level.  Students then answered QAR ( Question Answer Relationship) questions based off of the text.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Hour of Code

Students have been learning about java, coding and computer science through code.org.  Students are creating codes that link to programs.  Check out the pictures of students working with animation from the movie Frozen.


Students used QR codes to read digital newspapers.  Students read the paper with a partner and had to find the main idea followed by supporting details of the article.  They also had to decipher the important information that the reporter put into the article.

Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement representatives came into our school to teach students about careers, finances and the job market.  In these pictures, you can see various activities that the students did with the J.A. leader.
In this picture, students are creating a business.  This business will sell either a good or service.  Students are brainstorming who the consumer will be and how they will attract the customer.

Students are playing career field Go Fish to learn about different career opportunities in our area.

Students are learning how one company relies on the goods and services of other companies.

Indiana Michigan Power Presentation

A representative from Indiana Michigan Power came to fifth grade to discuss electricity and power.  Students learned how power was generated and used.  We also talked about how to conserve power and how to be safe around electricity


During Junior Achievement, students were introduced to advertisements.  Later on, we talked about how advertisements are used and their purposes.  In this picture, you can see students designing billboards and commercials for their products and goods.

Paul Bunyon

Students used the iPad to read different Paul Bunyon Tall Tales.  They were working on finding character traits with text evidence supported details.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Reading Comprehension Stations

Students created character trait face masks.  They worked together to brainstorm different traits about themselves. The students wrote words to describe themselves on the mask.

Students were sorting theme and main idea passages.  

Students were working together to read a legend and discuss it together.

Students wrote summaries based on Folk Tales that they read in class.

Social Studies Native American Poster

Students worked in groups to learn about the different Native American Tribes and to do research to create a project.  After they created the posters, they presented their poster to the class.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Weight and Friction

Students engineered cars at the start of the year.  We used these cars to experiment with how adding more weight to the cars slows down the speed of the car.


To help practice math problems, students collaborate with a partner to work on various math computation skills.  Once they finish a problem, they move to the next problem.  Here you can see students playing SCOOT!

Flash to Pass

To help students with math fact fluency, students race against the clock to try to get as many correct multiplication facts!


Since the start of school, we have been working on using the summarizing hand.  Now, we are taking it a step father to write summaries.  Here is a students working very hard on his summary!

Fantasy vs. Realism Project

Students created a poster to show the difference between an object that you would see in real life and one that you would read about in the fantasy genre.

Ralph S. Mouse Guided Reading Padlet Project

Students read Ralph S. Mouse for guided reading.  After they learned different reading strategies in the book, students compiled their work on padlets.
Check out their padlets:






Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Force and Motion with Connects!

Fifth grade students learned about force and motion through many different experiments with connects.  They also learned about blueprints and designing cars.  These are pictures of students collaborating together to design their car.

James and the Giant Peach

As a class, we read James and the Giant Peach.  We used this book to study Fantasy genre elements and to learn reading comprehension strategies.  The Grasshopper in the story always used poems to descrive character traits.  Throughout the book, we talked about this.  After we finished reading the book, students created a character poster and wrote a poem about their character.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Anastazi Tribe

Students conducted research on ipads to learn about the Anastazi tribe.  After they researched, students used soil, straw and water to create bricks, like the Anastazi people did.

Egg Experiment

In science, we did an experiment to see what happens to an egg if you put it in vinegar.  Students went through the stages of the scientific method and developed a hypothesis to see what happened.

Marshmellow Science Experiment

We learned about the scientific method by doing the marshmellow science experiment.  In this experiment, we went through the stages of the scientific method and developed an experiment to find what happens to a marshmellow if you microwave it.  The students set the control of the experiment as the amount of time that marshmellows were left in the microwave.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Welcome to Fifth Grade!

Welcome to 5th grade.  We are so excited for the school year.  We have a lot of fun activities and tons of great learning content that we are excited to teach this year.  This is our fifth grade blog, where you can find classroom and school updates.  We look forward to a great year of learning and growing with you.
Miss Walburn and Miss Dutcher